International Forum on Clinical Research 2024
14 May 2024, 9:00 AM
Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Vienna
Insights, perspectives and inspirational accounts
On behalf of the LBG and our partners, it was our utmost pleasure to welcome you to the first International Forum on Clinical Research in Vienna on 14 May, 2024.
This conference serves as a platform for the exchange of cutting-edge research, innovative ideas, and best practices in the field of clinical research. Our shared goal is the improvement of healthcare outcomes and the enhancement of patient care. We are confident that the range of topics and presentations lined up will stimulate insightful dialogue, inspire new perspectives, and ultimately contribute to the betterment of clinical research in Austria. See The Programme for more details on content and speakers.
Throughout the duration of this conference, you are encouraged to actively engage in discussions, share your expertise, and foster connections that will drive progress in our collective pursuit of excellence in clinical research.
Our target audience:
- Clinical researchers from Austria: Networking and support portfolio for young researchers with regard to funding opportunities
- Pharmaceutical companies, medical technology companies etc.: Building bridges towards studies and demonstrating the potential of clinical research in Austria
- Potential applicants for funding opportunities: Application counselling
- Patient organisations
- Stakeholders of the healthcare system
The International Forum on Clinical Research in Vienna can be attended free of charge, but seats are limited. Please be aware that attendees have to register in advance in order to attend.
You will be provided with networking opportunities prior to and during the conference. Please see the registration platform for more information about the networking tool b2match.
The Programme
14 May 2024, 09:00 AM
Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Vienna
Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Registration and coffee
09:00-09:20: Welcome
Martin Polaschek, Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research
Martin Kocher, Federal Minister of Labour and Economy
09:20-10:00: Keynote
Elizabeth Eisenhauer: Clinical research: the final common pathway for improved population and patient outcomes – lessons from cancer clinical trials. Queen’s University. Ontario, Canada
10:00-11:20: Session 1 – Excellence in Clinical Research: We shine a spotlight on Austria’s leading edge in clinical research and showcase outstanding achievements and innovative approaches driving advancements in healthcare.
Speakers (for more info see here)
Matthias Preusser: Towards new standards for treating glioblastoma. Medical University Vienna, Austria
Miriam Michel: The role of metabolic processes in pediatric cardiology. Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
Nicole Unger-Manhart: Clinical research in the development of substance-based medical devices. Marinomed Biotech GmbH. Korneuburg, Austria
Lukas Wisgrill: Combating viral susceptibility in preterm infants. Medical University Vienna, Austria
Moderator: Sylvia Knapp
11:20-11:45: Coffee break & networking
11:45-12:45: Session 2 – Decentralised and centralised clinical trials: Discover the frontier of clinical trials with both decentralised and centralised approaches. Explore thrilling first-in-human studies driven by a deep understanding of disease mechanisms.
Speakers (for more info see here):
Mariya Moosajee: Cause and cure – The conundrum for genetic eye disease. University College London, UK
Sadaf Farooqi: Causes and consequences of obesity: insights from genetics. Cambridge University, UK
David Lomas: Unlocking potential: Small molecule breakthroughs in α1-antitrypsin deficiency and the serpinopathies. University College London, UK
Moderator: Maggie Childs
12:45-14:00: Lunch break & networking. Information booths by LBG, FFG, FWF and WWTF
14:00-15:00: Session 3 – Public and patient involvement: Sharing the power of public and patient involvement in clinical studies. Witness firsthand how patients‘ insights shape and enhance the landscape of medical research.
Speakers (for more info see here):
Simon Denegri: Start as you mean to go on: Public involvement and engagement in clinical research. Academy of Medical Sciences, London, UK
Clara Puller: Be where participants are: Optimizing Patient Recruitment in Clinical Research through Digitalisation. Probando GmbH, Graz, Austria
Claas Röhl: Needed cultural change to promote patient involvement in clinical research. NF Kinder Verein, Vienna, Austria
Moderator: Maggie Childs
15:00-15:30: Networking break
15:30-16:30: Session 4 – Sponsor driven clinical trials: Explore how investigators and industry pioneers initiate studies that yield significant clinical breakthroughs. Uncover the pivotal role of collaboration in driving impactful clinical outcomes.
Speakers (for more info see here):
Mark Higgins: Cystic Fibrosis: A model of precision medicine in rare disease. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, UK
Bianca Tan & Ralf Lenhard: Multidisciplinary therapy development for rare diseases: the example of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals and OrphaCare
Moderator: Maggie Childs
16:30-17:00: Networking break
17:00-17:45: Session 5 – Advanced clinical research capabilities: Join our panel discussion as we unravel the secrets behind achieving the levels of excellence demonstrated throughout the day. Explore what it truly takes to reach these remarkable standards.
Panelists (for more info see here):
Markus Müller, Rector, Medical University Vienna, Austria
Freyja-Maria Smolle-Jüttner, President, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, Austria
Ghazaleh Gouya Lechner, Director, Gouya Insights Clinical Development, Vienna, Austria
Dejan Baltic, Senior medical director. Amgen, Vienna, Austria
Sadaf Farooqi, Cambridge University, UK
Sabine Embacher-Aichhorn, Head of Competence Center Clinical Trials, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
Moderator: David Lomas
17:45-18:30: Open stage for innovative ideas: Share your idea for a project, product or service, opportunity, campaign, event or concept on our main stage.
From 18:00: Open bar: Networking and Get-together
For Attendees
We aim to organize the event according to the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings.
Attendance & Registration
The International Forum on Clinical Research in Vienna can be attended free of charge. Please be aware that attendees have to register in advance in order to attend.
The protection of your personal data is of the utmost importance to us. Registration and networking for this event will be handled through the b2match Platform by B2Match GmbH. See their privacy policy here.
Audio-visual recordings
We would like to inform you that photographs and videos will be taken at this event. Information on our data protection can be found here.
Public transport to and within Vienna
Please choose an environmentally friendly mode of transport and use the current timetables at www.oebb.at or www.westbahn.at.
The conference will be held Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 3, 1010 Vienna, in walking distance to the subway stations Herrengasse and Schottentor. For transport inside Vienna we recommend Line U3 Herrengasse (walking distance 1 min.), line U2/Schottentor (walking distance 7 min.), timetable information at https://www.wienerlinien.at/wienmobil-app. Tickets for public transport can be purchased online via Wiener Linien or from their automatic vending machines.
If you are traveling by bike, you can find the best route at https://www.fahrradwien.at/routenplaner/. Bicycle racks are available in the inner courtyard of the location.
We are committed to accessibility to make the forum available to all participants. Please find the accessibility statement under https://www.event-residenzen.at/downloads/Barrierecheck-PalaisNiederoesterreich.pdf
If you have any questions or concerns in this regard, please contact Karin Götz/Sabine Newald at
Arrival by car
Please be aware that Vienna allows only prepaid short-term on-street parking for non-residents. There are several underground car parks in the vicinity (e.g. Freyung Parkgarage) as well as park and ride facilities at the most important junctions on the outskirts of the city. More information can be found here.
There is a large number of hotels in the Vienna city center. If you need accommodation during the conference, we recommend the Hotel Fleming Vienna City, Josefstädter Str. 10-12, 1080 Vienna. The Hotel is located in the vicinity of the conference location Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 3, 1010 Vienna. A limited number of rooms has been reserved at a special rate for attendees of the our conference. For any accommodation questions, please contact the hotel directly. We don’t know when the rooms will be all booked out, so we suggest securing your accommodation as soon as possible.
Please be aware that we do not cover any accommodation and traveling expenses for attendees.
Why a conference for clinical research?
Over the last few years, a series of strategic measures, such as the establishment of service and infrastructure at the respective universities, the strengthening of young clinical talent, preparatory and adaptation measures regarding the new legal framework, as well as the introduction of new funding initiatives, have been initiated in order to strengthen the system as a whole. The LBG has launched this new conference to showcase Austria’s strength and potential as a hub for clinical research.
The conference also intends to promote „community building“ among clinicians and experts across institutional boundaries. It will support and facilitate the exchange about current projects, developments and related issues between all actors taking part in the event (researchers, clinicians and stakeholders). Attendees will also explore the growing potential of clinical research in Austria, the further improvement of research-oriented structures and resources, and the positioning of content in a European or global context.
Neda Motamedi-Shad, PhD
Center for Research Management & Funding
+43 1 513 27 50-45