Support for displaced Ukrainian researchers

Here you will find information about job vacancies at the LBG, funding opportunities and general contact points and initiatives. The page will be updated on an ongoing basis.

Open positions at the LBG

All current LBG job offers, research and otherwise, can be found on our website.

Open positions with FWF-funded projects

Scientists directly affected by the war in Ukraine can be added to ongoing research projects funded by the FWF Austrian Science Fund. The FWF provides a special budget of one million euros for this crisis support.

The LBG currently works on numerous FWF-funded projects from various research areas. Information on active projects can be found in the FWF Project Finder database. If you are interested in joining a project, you can contact the respective project leaders. Contact information can be found in the FWF database.

JESH – Ukraine Emergency Call

The program “Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities” (JESH), provided by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), offered research stays of several months at Austrian institutions. The offer addressed Ukrainian scientists of all disciplines who had already left Ukraine or left Ukraine in the following months.

Further information

Ernst Mach Grant – Ukraine

The special scholarship programme Ernst Mach – Ukraine helps Ukrainian students to continue their studies in Austria. The scholarship is open to Ukrainian students who are already enrolled in a regular study programme at an Austrian higher education institution as well as students, scientists and researchers from Ukraine who wish to continue their studies or projects here. More information.


The EU Commission supports Ukrainian refugees with various initiatives. With the portal “European Research Area for Ukraine” (ERA4Ukraine), there is also a one-stop shop for information and support services for researchers Ukraine and researchers who have fled Ukraine. The portal is operated through the existing EURAXESS network, which supports researchers by connecting more than 600 centers and 43 national portals in all EU Member States and countries associated with Horizon Europe. All information will soon be available in both English and Ukrainian. Each Member State and associated country has a national portal where support services are listed in a structured way. So far, 30 country portals are available.

European Fund for Displaced Scientists

ALLEA – All European Academies has partnered with the Breakthrough Prize Foundation to support scholars and scientific institutions impacted by the war in Ukraine. The programme, endowed with $1.5 million, will provide funding to academic institutions in Europe to host displaced scholars. The initiative will also benefit affected Ukrainian universities, academies, and research institutes in maintaining their operations and rebuilding their scientific facilities and research collaborations.


Using #ScienceForUkraine, an initiative of volunteer students and researchers collects academic study and job offers in Europe and worldwide.

Jobs for Ukraine

There are numerous jobs for Ukrainian refugees in Austria available on the Jobs for Ukraine platform.

Information for students and researchers from Ukraine by

The OeAD Agency for Education and Internationalization offers information specifically for Ukrainian refugees in Austria on the website There are also networking meetings for institutions and those affected, providing information on important contacts.

Statement of the Head of the LBI for Fundamental and Human Rights (in German)

„Mag die Wahrheit das erste Opfer des Krieges sein, die Menschenrechte folgen sehr bald nach“, so der wissenschaftliche Direktor Michael Lysander Fremuth des Ludwig Boltzmann Instituts für Grund- und Menschenrechte in seiner Stellungnahme. Fremuth gibt eine Kurzbewertung der aktuellen Situation in der Ukraine ab und klärt über die völkerrechtlichen Aspekte auf.