Title: LBG Meeting


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LBG Meeting 2023

The LBG Meeting Innovation in Health Sciences encourages and supports young scientists by offering an opportunity to present their work. Moreover, it is a chance for early researchers to establish themselves within the scientific community.

The thematic sessions will include keynote lectures by international experts and oral presentations of the best submitted abstracts.

Scientific sessions

  • Arthritis and rehabilitation research
  • Cardiovascular research
  • Haematology and cancer research
  • Regenerative medicine research and artificial organs
  • Keynote lectures
  • Poster session

Additional highlights include Best Abstract Awards, Meet the Expert sessions and technology platforms.

Abstract call: Closed

Registration: Closed

Participation fees

  • Regular fee: 100 EUR
  • Student fee: 50 EUR


  • Main venue: Van Swieten Saal, Van-Swieten-Gasse 1a, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria
  • Poster exhibition: Historischer Hörsaal, 1st floor, Josephinum Vienna, Währinger Str. 25, 1090 Vienna, Austria
a. The LBG Meeting Innovation in Health Sciences will be held on 2 and 3 November 2023 in Vienna.
b. The thematic sessions will include key-note lectures by international experts and oral presentations of the best submitted abstracts.
c. The LBG Meeting encourages and supports young scientists by offering an opportunity to present their work.

Best Abstract Award

The conference focuses on translational research. Abstracts on preclinical, clinical or implementation research are welcome.

The best abstracts will be selected by an international jury of experts and awarded €500 each. Please note that only abstracts submitted by scientists younger than 35 years old will be considered for the contest.

The Award Ceremony will take place on 3 November 2023, marking the conclusion of the conference.

All abstracts can be seen here (ordered by scientific field, password protected):

Arthritis and rehabilitation research

Cardiovascular research

Haematology and cancer research

Regenerative medicine research and artificial organs

The programme

LBG Meeting Innovation in Health Sciences 2023

Day 1 – Thursday, 2 November 2023

09:00-10:00 Van Swieten
Registration and Coffee

Meet the Expert (Van Swieten)

Visit the Josephinum – Medical History Museum Vienna (fully booked)

11:30-12:30 Van Swieten
Lunch Break

12:30-12:45 Van Swieten
Welcome notes: Elvira Welzig, Managing Director at LBG; Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in Michaela Fritz, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation at MedUni Vienna

12:45-13:45 Van Swieten
Super Keynote: Prof. Elly Tanaka – Learning from natural examples of regeneration

13:45-15:15 Van Swieten
Session I – Arthritis: Prof. Rikke Moe – Navigating osteoarthritis

Selected talks by young researchers:

  1. Christine Strauss: Galectins -4 and -8 in Human Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
  2. Nasim Nakhost Lotfi: Assessing the Reliability of Daily Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome, Osteoarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis
  3. Valentin Ritschl: Normality, the most important outcome for families of long-term survivors of pediatric kidney transplantation: a qualitative, biographic study

15:15-15:45 Van Swieten
Coffee Break

15:45-17:15 Van Swieten
Session II – Haematology and Oncology: Prof. Dr. Gregor Hörmann – Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Evaluations and Algorithms in Applied Hematology

Selected talks by young researchers:

  1. Emir Hadzijusufovic: Uncovering the mechanisms of adverse vascular events in ponatinib-treated CML patients
  2. Dagmar Gotthardt: A lineage-specific STAT5BN642H mouse model to study NK-cell leukemia
  3. Daniel Ivanov: Identification and phenotypic characterization of disease-initiating CD34+/CD38− stem cells in JAK2- or CALR-mutated MPN


17:45-19:30 Josephinum
Posterwalk & Snacks

Day 2 – Friday, 3 November 2023

08:30-09:00 Van Swieten

09:00-10:30 Van Swieten
Session III – Cardiology: Prof. Dr. Gemma Vilahur – Novel targets and strategies for acute cardioprotection

Selected talks by young researchers:

  1. Lorenzo Civilla: Neurovascular Surgery Training Using a Physical and Augmented-Reality Patient-Specific Platform
  2. Laura Boccuni: Dissecting the impact of reactive oxygen species during macrophage differentiation in atherosclerosis
  3. Sophie Bromberger: The target promiscuity of BRAF inhibitors compromises endothelial function and signaling

10:30-11:00 Van Swieten
Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Van Swieten
Technology Session

„Placenta upcycling – Made in Austria“ – Dr.nat.tech. Johannes Hackethal, CEO THT Biomaterials GmbH

“High Resolution Spatial Technologies for the Study of Biological Systems – A case study of the breast cancer microenviroment of FFPE samples” – Johanna Stergiadou, PhD, Science and Technology Advisor at 10x Genomics

12:30-13:30 Van Swieten
Lunch break

13:30-15:00 Van Swieten
Session IV – Traumatology: Ass. Prof. Joel Nordin – Extracellular Vesicles for Biomedical Applications – Engineering EVs for targeted drug delivery

Selected talks by young researchers

  1. Helene Dworak: The p-rpS6-zone delineates wounding response and the healing process
  2. Barbara Bachmann: Human skin equivalents with perfusable hierarchical vasculature
  3. Marlene Wahlmueller: Stress-Induced Premature Senescence and Senolytic Intervention in the Adipose Stromal Vascular Niche

15:00-15:30 Josephinum
Coffee Break

15:30-17:00 Josephinum
Posterwalk & Snacks

17:00-17:30 Josephinum

The conference

Since 2013, the LBG Meeting provides young scientists with an opportunity to present their work.

Scientific team

Target audiences

  • Early career researchers in health sciences
  • PhD and Doctoral students
  • Postgraduates

The conference is open to everyone hence anyone who is interested is welcome to participate.

a. The winners of the Best Abstract Award are determined by an internationaly jury.


Bettina Lengger, PhD
+43 1 513 27 50

Previous Meetings

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