Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft

Digital Transformation in Research: Neues Weiterbildungsprogramm des LBG Career Center


19.-21. August 2021


Institut für Weltgeschichte Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften der Ukraine Leontowitschastraße 5, Sitzungshalle, Erdgeschoß 01030 Kiew

Sign up and join the international online workshop on 3rd February 2021 from 10:00 to 12:30!

The event provides an opportunity for experts and interested persons to exchange on the situation of persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities who are deprived of liberty. Experts will be asked to share their experience, ideas, and concrete recommendations on how to meet the challenges detainees with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. recommendations on how to meet the challenges detainees with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Conference Proceedings